What Everybody Ought to Know About Constipation


What Everybody Ought to Know About Constipation

Constipation is a frequent issue, especially for women. The main causes are the bad nutrition and the chaotic lifestyle.

When Do We Suffer From Constipation?

It is said that the normal frequency of feces is between three per day and one time at three days. We suffer from constipation when the number of feces is smaller than three times per week.

Yet, this is an arbitrary definition. At children, constipation means that feces are too rough or too rare; the nutrition is the main cause.
Constipation is rarely associated with other disease or a wound on the colon. However, if you notice other symptoms, you should consider another disease.


At grownups, constipation is caused by a bad nutrition and a chaotic lifestyle: stress, hard days, and sedentariness.

Rules against Constipation

1. Drink a lot of water

Dehydration leads to harden feces, one of the main causes of constipation. You have to drink water as soon as you woke up, between and during meals, at least 1, 5 l of water per day.

2. Fight against sedentariness

Physical activity has a benefic effect on intestinal transit. A half an hour of walking after you have had a meal is always good for your health.

3. Eat more fibers

Eat more fruits and vegetables, integral cereals, dried fruits and vegetables. Choose fresh and dried fruits and raw vegetables rich in fibers (plums, pineapple, and asparagus).

4. Eat dried vegetables at least once a week

5. Replace the white bread with integral bread, from time to time, add a spoon of bran in your yogurt or milk ball.

Two types of food favor constipation

The first slow down the intestinal transit: foods rich in amidine (rice, potatoes, pastas) and very sweet foods (cookies, biscuits, sweet drinks) and foods that are poor in fruits and vegetables. The second category absorbs the intestinal liquid: bananas, carrots, quinces, rice. They increase the volume of feces and diminish their frequency.
