12 Teas That Are Better Than One Hour at the Gym


12 Teas That Are Better Than One Hour at the Gym

Tea is the most popular drink in the world. Whether for Arabs, Europeans, or Americans, it is the second drink after water, which ranks first. And cancer and heart disease, tea is one of the most popular drinks for everyone, as it is possible to choose what suits you from its different types. There are many types of tea available, and they differ in taste and color, while their benefits are similar.

1. Black tea

Black tea

Everyone starts his day with black tea or coffee to provide him with the energy and caffeine needed to start his day, and it is the most common type of tea in the whole world and accounts for a large proportion of global consumption of tea. It is made from the leaves of the camellia plant, which are rolled, fermented, dried, and ground up in the final stage. When consumed without sugar, it tastes bitter, and one of its health benefits is that it contains many antioxidants that help reduce cholesterol in the blood. Drinking black tea at a rate of 3 cups a day reduces the risk of stroke.

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