114 Year Old Man Reveals the 5 Foods That Have Kept Him Alive So Long


© Ekayani Chamberlin / Blogspot


These extracts from traditional Chinese herbology that promote longevity and increase the chances of long-

He was born in the year 1901 and passed away in the year 2015. The article stated that he attributed his long life to a healthful diet. LaPallo said that people often asked him about maintaining youth, to which he replied, “It’s a secret, but I can tell you.” He would say, “Well, you know, it’s a commonly said that you get what you eat, or something like that.” He had a balanced daily diet which included lots of organic vegetables and fruit. However, he claimed there were five distinct nutrients that made up the essentials of the dish. We are going to have what they do below on display for you now, but will show it later on.

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