114 Year Old Man Reveals the 5 Foods That Have Kept Him Alive So Long


114 Year Old Man Reveals the 5 Foods That Have Kept Him Alive So Long

I don’t have to tell you, it’s no secret that everybody wants to live as long as possible For most people, life expectancy is about 72 years of age, but, according to the World Health Organization, the average age has recently decreased to only a few years in the last two decades. About as much as I care?” if you know the various ways that can affect your wellness and aging process positively and negatively, then you can influence your lifestyle and do things to help delay the impact of age-related diseases.


We have not yet discovered the recipe for immortality, but we want to pass on the key of longevity to the oldest man who has lived so far – on it to his 114-year-old descendant.

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