10 Essential Beauty Tips Every Teenager Should Know

10 Essential Beauty Tips Every Teenager Should Know

Source: Unsplash

Teenage is complicated years in everyone’s life as your body and hormones start changing and you just start exploring the world. It is also the best time to learn new habits and make them permanent. Today we are going to tell you about 10 essential beauty tips that every teenager should know. Follow these tips and you will surely glow for the rest of your life. Let’s get started!


Cleanse, cleanse and cleanse. Cleansing is important as it helps to remove dirt, oil and makeup from our face and make the skin look clean and clear. Never sleep without washing your face as the skin regenerates while you sleep. You need to cleanse your face twice a day daily for glowing and radian skin.

2. Moisturizing your Face

After cleansing your face properly, don’t forget to moisturize it. You can also use a toner before moisturizing (Extra tip: Rose water is the best toner!) Before buying a moisturizer, you should know your skin type, whether you have a dry skin, oily, normal or combination. You should always opt for those moisturizers that are for all skin types if you don’t know which is your skin type.  Also buy those moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid in great amount.


3. Hygiene

Hygine is very important as it attracts everyone. Brush your teeth daily, apply deodorant and wear a good perfume. Also don’t forget to trim and shape your nails regularly, otherwise you won’t look put together.

4. Exfoliate your Whole Body

Make a habit to exfoliate your whole-body during shower. Exfoliation will remove dead skin cells and make your skin smooth and supple. Don’t overdo it and only do twice a week.

5. Apply Oil on Hair

You need to learn to take care of everything during your teen years and hair is one of them. Apply oil for at least an hour before you shower so shampoo doesn’t wash away all the nutrients from your hair. Oiling your hair will make them softer and shinier as well.

6. Shave your Legs

We know this will sound hectic specially to those girls who love quick shower. Shave your legs during shower and make it a habit. We are sure you will thank us later!

7. Soft and Pink Lips

Girls often forget their lips and not take care of them. You need to learn to take care of your lips properly. Use lip balm and lip scrubs to protect your lips from drying out.

8. Don’t overdo Makeup

We know Smokey eyeshadows with bold red lips attracts you a lot, but it is not the right time to try this look. You have your whole life ahead to try dramatic looks. For now, try natural and soft makeup looks.

9. Drink a lot of Water

Drink a lot of water and always carry a water bottle wherever you go. Develop a habit to drink at least 10-15 glasses of water every day. Drinking a lot of water would help in getting clear skin and would also help you to lose few pounds.

10. Love yourself

The most important tip is to learn to love yourself. You are in your learning phase and you will probably make a lot of mistakes. Learn from them and don’t hate yourself because of them. Don’t go hard on yourself and become your number one fan!
